The Wonderful World of Education

Weekly Scribe

Weekly Scribe (315)
I Am From Poem (315)
Vocabulary (315)
Chautauqua (315)
Weekly Observations (315)
Midterm Reflection (315)
Final Reflection (315)
Course Reflection (315)
Book List (443)
Literary Elements and Genre (443)
Weekly Scribe (443)
Biography (443)
Tibbett's Lessons (443)
Book Sell (443)
Midterm Reflection (443)
Final Reflection (443)
Course Reflection (443)
Web Resources

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Monday 3.3.08
Today we met at Penny Smith's classroom at Tibbetts Middle school. We were suppose to meet there at 12:40pm but I was a little late (arriving at 1pm) so I missed the first 20 minutes. Sorry. We viewed the Iditarod website ( about distance racing with sled dogs. It set the stage for our lit circles in Penny's class where we will read Woodsong by Gary Paulson. Beth's class will be working on poem writing and presentations with their students.
We met back up at our UNM classroom around 2:30 where we discussed our literary genres and Elements. We are to define our genre and provide examples. Our literary elements, we are to provide examples and and explanation which we need to post to our website.
Please continue to read books and add them to your book list on your website. We will meet up at Tibbetts at 12:40pm. Please be on time (Nikki). After Tibbetts, we will meet at the Farmington Public Library at 2:30. Looking forward to seeing everyone there.

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